Saturday, March 01, 2025

My memberships

My parents met at Eld Lane Baptist church, Colchester, as did my grandparents on my father’s side. I was baptised into the Baptist Church at Beechon Grove, Watford. But I gave up my Christian faith after University, which included a year in my Cambridge Tripos in Religious Studies (see eg. previous post). 

Nonetheless the membership of the Church provided an identity which it was difficult to give up. And the mystery of life which creates religion of course remains the same. I have tried to apply those limits to our knowledge to psychiatry, even though mainstream psychiatry promotes a wishful thinking to solutions to mental health problems (see eg. my Thinking Differently about Mental Health blog).

No longer a member of the Church of my origins, although recognising the value of social membership, I have been thinking about my current memberships. In retirement I have had time to become a member at the Oval (see eg. previous post). As a Watford grammar school boy, my membership of Trinity College, Cambridge, remains valuable (see eg. another previous post). I am still a member of the mental health Trust that I worked for despite its difficulties over recent years, from which it seems to be recovering (see eg. yet another previous post). I was always been motivated by the rights of people with mental health problems when I was working, as is Mind, of which I am also a member (see eg. see post on my Thinking Differently about Mental Health blog).